The figure shows a schematic model of the electron:
1 — neutrinos;
2 — electric vortex tube;
3 — layer attached gravitons.
Graviton neutrino flux in the ring rotates as in a small circle (toroidal rotation) and the long (ring rotation. Energy toroidal rotation determines the mass of an electron. Ring rotation at the point of contact rings neutrinos acts as a gear pump. Gravitons environment left trapped electron rings and thrown right into a narrow rotating beam. This determines the charge of the electron beam. In the vortex model of the electric charge of the electron, expressed in KL, there are lots of gravitons are released into the charge pipe in one second, expressed in kg / s, the natural frequency of the ring rotation.
Each electron has not only charge and mass, but also by its own magnetic field. In the normal conductor, electrons are not focused, and the average magnetic field is zero. In the flow of the magnetic field of the electrons are added and their electric field directed along the axis of flow. In the transverse direction of the flow basis for the mutual repulsion of the electrons are not available.
Scheme "electromagnetic fields" of the electron can be represented as shown in the figure on the left. Lines indicate the trajectory of the flow of gravitons. With the increase in forward speed increases the intensity of the electron flow of the vector potential A. This flow is directed opposite to the motion of the electron. It simultaneously rotates about its axis with linear velocity close to that of light, which determines the magnetic induction B = rotA.