All the diversity of the world around us is a manifestation of a few basic principles. Proposed in this paper, the system of levels of matter and micro vortex model can extend the physical representations of the outside world. All the work is based on the hypothesis of the vortex structure of quantum fields and elementary particles, filling the space of the universe. Hypothesis is the development of the ideas of Descartes, M. Faraday, James Clerk Maxwell, JJ Thomson and others in this field model, particles and matter represents only the various forms of the vortices single matter. The transition from one form to another is due to the movement of the vortex energy. The initial energy is stored in the vortices from the Big Bang.
Marked the beginning of our universe explosive expansion forematter - Supercompressed superfluid substance continuum. Foremothers White fills holes that are at the core of black holes. It has a maximum entropy at T = 0 K. foremothers has antigravity properties: it can only expand at the same time at all points. In this case, because it is homogeneous on superfluidity occupied volume, keeping the isotropic energy density.
In the process of cooling medium for the expansion formed a hierarchy of nested quantized energy levels of matter. At the end of the inflationary phase of expansion foremothers laminar turbulent regime was replaced with a plurality of energetic vortices neutralino or "dark energy." When interacting with each other, the vortices created neutralino composite bosons and fermions photino gravitons or "dark matter", constantly moving with the speed c. Vortex gravitons are quanta of the electromagnetic field.
The substance occurs in the condensation process flow of gravitons in the eddies of neutrinos, which are formed of particles, then grouped into atoms and molecules. On further cooling, the interaction of elements of matter leads to the unification of its fragments in planets, stars and galaxies. In this case, the real nature of the vortex formation is preserved. The substance is immersed in the graviton medium electromagnetic field. The motion of particles of matter in the environment at low speed is coasting without performing work.
Fundamental interactions between particles of matter are not specific. They are caused by a gradient of static pressure of gravitons. Every particle of matter or a piece surrounded by fluidized bed energetic gravitons. Interest in this other layer of particles is considered as a strong force. The total pressure of gravitons in the associated layer consists of the dynamic pressure and static pressure. Next to each element of the substance formed gradient of static pressure of gravitons, which causes the gravitational field. Electrical interaction between the charges is also due to the gradient of the static pressure in the flow of gravitons.
Analysis of the structure of the electron model revealed the essence of the charge as the intensity of the outgoing beam rotating flow of gravitons. The magnetic field is interpreted as a rotating flow of gravitons. These views suggest model graphic illustration of the special theory of relativity.
In the formation of particulate matter from the graviton and the formation of composite particles of the neutrino part of the kinetic energy of the translational and rotational motions of the original members goes to the hidden internal energy of the particles formed. This energy manifests itself as a mass. Weight is not an inherent property of matter. It occurs in the structured education of matter.
In the vortex model it was possible to restore the representation of Lorentz on the longitudinal and transverse masses of the particles. The main part of the matter is the field of the particle in the form of toroidal vortices. They have cylindrical symmetry. Therefore, in the longitudinal direction they should be considered as massless, and in the transverse direction, and they have mass and inertia.
The difference in the longitudinal and transverse masses refers to particles of matter. This difference is due to the structure of the particles. Electron composed of two neutrino has nonzero longitudinal mass. Transverse mass of the electron is zero. Photon, which also consists of two neutrinos have zero longitudinal mass. A transverse photon mass equal to the mass of the electron.
Consideration of the vortex model allowed to reinterpret the experimental data on the microcosm, and offer several new provisions:
- Our universe arose from foremothers - the continuum in a sverhsszhatoy and superfluid substance having the property of antigravity. Foremothers White fills holes that make up the core of black holes.
- Matter in the universe is distributed in the discrete energy levels of a nested field and matter. Quanta of each level are vortex formations encountered in the environment of a higher level. Accelerating expansion of the universe helps release energy of resetting of the field matter in substance.
- The particles of matter are vortices in the medium of the electromagnetic field. The substance is immersed in an electromagnetic field. Eddy field quanta are gravitons. Flows of gravitons provide all the interactions between the particles. Strong, electromagnetic, and gravitational interaction is a manifestation of the vortex interaction. The weak interaction is due to the inertial forces of energetic particles. The gravitational interaction is carried out with the medium.
- In the structure of the particles of matter are the elements of matter and antimatter.
- Longitudinal and transverse mass of the particles are determined by their own kinetic energy corresponding flows of gravitons. Photons carry angular momentum between the particles of the substance due to the presence of transverse mass.
- Charge of the particle is defined as the proper intensity of outgoing radiation rotating flow of gravitons. In the nucleus of the atom is not the Coulomb repulsion between protons. The electrons in the stream does not repel.
- Diffraction particle due to the quantization of angular momentum in the interaction with the edges of obstacles.
- The electrons of an atom rotate with the laws of the proton nucleus of a rigid body due to the fact that each electron is coupled to the corresponding proton of the nucleus charge of the vortex tube. Similarly, support of the atoms in the molecules.
- Quark confinement due to restructuring within the particle.
- Massive bodies are not attracted to each other. Gravitational field due to the gradient of the static pressure of the surrounding environment graviton.
- The basic fusion reaction 4He plasma flows occur in the solar corona.
- Maxwell's equations are divided into electrostatic and Magnetodynamic part. Poynting vector is not equal to zero only in the transient case. Effect of the current force is supported by the magnetic force.
- Radio waves in the electromagnetic field environment gravitons as divergent vortex perturbations with two transverse components of the flow field: the vector potential A and the magnetic induction B. In radiowave no interconversion of electric and magnetic fields.
At the beginning of the work was given the simplest questions about the basic concepts of physics. We formulate the answers.
- What is mass?
Measure of the energy flow of gravitons in the vortex.
- What is gravity?
The effect of gravity to the center of the bound vortex under the force due to the radial gradient of the dynamic pressure.
- What is the structure of the stable particles and photons?
Neutrinos and antineutrinos - the toroidal vortices gravitons. Photons, electrons and positrons - pair formation of neutrino (antineutrino). Muon neutrinos and antineutrinos - education of the three neutrino (antineutrino). Proton (antiproton) includes 18 of neutrino (antineutrino) rings. All the components of complex particles together by the strong interaction.
- Where to look for antimatter?
Search never necessary. Antimatter is matter.
- What is the charge of the particle?
Forward flow vortex tube coming out of the center of the particle.
- What is the electric field?
Flow area of ??the vortex tube coming out of the center of the particle.
- What is the magnetic field?
Rotational flow vortex tube, ambient particle.
- What is an electromagnetic wave?
Vortices in the environment gravitons.
- How to interact with the stationary charge?
Interact narrowly focused vortex tube flows of charged particles, and the forces are due to the difference in the dynamic pressure of the flow along the axis of the vortex tubes.
- Where does the quantization in a microcosm?
Originally quantized angular momentum of neutrinos as the lowest possible value for the stable existence of the time vortex.
- How do electrons interact with photons?
With the passage of photons through electron transfers momentum and angular momentum through the field on the principle "from hot to cold."
- What is the strong interaction?
When two vortex flow first vortex moves the center of mass of the second vortex so that the flow in the center of mass of the second vortex is directed to the first vortex.
- How does an atom?
Structure of the nucleus and electron shells contain particles that contain the principle of minimum potential energy of the system. Electrons associated with protons vortex core charge tubes. The nucleus and electrons move together as a rigid body.
- What holds atoms in molecules?
The atoms in the molecules are held by a mechanism of strong interaction of valence electrons.
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